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You can simply send SM to the mobile subscriber in any language supported by his/her GSM mobile phone, i.e. Turkish, Greek, Arabic, Chinese, Tai, etc, if you know for sure that the addressed GSM phone is UCS2 compatible. In most cases supporting of the UCS2 language-specific pages depends on localization (the place/world region for which the phone was especially manufactured) of the mobile handset. If UCS2-compatible mobile can display menu in specific language then UCS2 SM can be shown in the same language. In order to send SM from the Internet, your Web browser should be able to display language specific characters and allow entering text in the Message Text box. Currently only MS Internet Explorer 5.0 and higher can properly encodes text in any languages. Supporting of other browsers will be developed in future. Just type the text of the message in your language and select UCS2 button when sending SMS

The Short Message Service (SMS) is the ability to send and receive text messages to and from mobile telephones. The text can comprise of words or numbers or an alphanumeric combination. SMS was created when it was incorporated into the Global System for Mobiles (GSM) digital mobile phone standard. A single short message can be up to 160 characters of text in length using default GSM alphabet coding, 140 characters when Cyrillic character set is used and 70 characters when UCS2 international character coding is used.

Your Message will be delivered to Mobile Subscriber with unique 8-digits Web ID as Originator number. If you want to use permanent ID for sending SMs, you should enable Cookies in your Web Browser.

Type your text here:
characters left
If subscriber use UCS2-compatible mobile (Nokia 51xx, 61xx, 3210, and newest), you can send Cyrillic or UCS2 (Arabic, Chinese, etc..) text.

Do you want do use Cyrillic or full UCS2 ?
No  Cyrillic  UCS2 

Enter Subscriber's Phone Number
in International format only

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